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FRAP- the way we will practice medicine in the future.

Posted over 6 years ago by My PA Admin

For many years this has been a hot topic and understandably so. As PA's we have been practicing medicine in a tight union with MD's who initially were obligated to be physically present and over the years that has been modified few times. For years PA's were providing health care to patients without MD's present on a site and we proved that it is safe, effective and efficient. Today we reached a new level of responsibility and arguing that as a mid level providers we Can practice medicine with full Responsibility and Authority.Our past President, Jeffrey Katz has been working on this proposal for over a year and posted it on a website , where everyone can read it. The proposal is self explanatory, outlines all important aspects of our practice and soon will be ready to be presented to AAPA and HOD for final discussion and approval.

As Jeffrey wisely put-it is the responsibility of each PA to read, participate and make final suggestions and comments to this proposal. We are obliged to do our part and be proactive in this process. I was present on a few conference calls where Jeffrey Katz and other members of committee were presenting FRAP, explaining each paragraph of its proposal. At the end of each call Jeffrey asked us, as leaders of constituent organizations, to convey a message to our members about importance to read and participate in FRAP survey. Based on a survey they can make additional changes and finalize the proposal.

We are at the steps of important changes to how we will practice medicine. We can gain full responsibility and authority to run medical practice, to provide health care to patients, be independent and still retain a union with Medical Doctors as Partners, rather then as Assistants. It is the hard and honest work of those, who were at the beginning of PA Profession. Those, who had vision for our future and stood by it. Today they are working hard to honor what is well deserved by our and grant it to the next generation  of Physician Assistants.

I strongly encourage each member to take their time, read proposal and participate in a survey. It is literally takes every single PA and for that matter PA Students, to move this proposal into its final stages. Then its the turn of AAPA and HOD Committee members to review and send it to the next level, so it becomes a law. Just imagine that you can practice medicine,  give your full knowledge and care to patients without constrains and limitations posed by outdated law and regulations. Over the years we proved that we can do it and with a new law on our side we will continue to do so.